Lip Blushing
Lip blushing is a semi permanent make up that uses different pigments to colour the lips. It is perfect for those who want to add a little color to their lips and the best part is that it is completely customizable. You can choose from a variety of colours from more sutble, natural tones to bright colours if you prefer a bold look.
When visiting us at Darwen Aesthetics we will take the time to discuss colours at your consultation and a patch test is required if you would like to go ahead with a lip blush tattoo treatment.
To find out more about lip blushing, book your free initial consultation using the form below.
Lip Blush Healing Stages
Day 1 – Colour and contour will be intense to begin with and a lot brighter than you are expecting. Lip blush will fade over six weeks. If the colour is too light when first placed, you will have minimal colour when healed after six weeks.
Day 3-4 – Lips become drier and start to peel, its important to keep the lips hydrated applying your aftercare balm.
Day 6-7 – Peeling will be reducing and will appear softer and lighter (often called the ghosting phase), you must keep them moisturised.
Week 4-6 – Lip colour will pop back at this stage you may need a top up to add colour or adjust any places colour may need adding. If there is no top up required you can just gloss and go!
Frequently Asked Questions
How Long Does A Lip Blush Tattoo Last?
This is very individual from person to person. It’s recommended you have a top up annually for a colour boost, but some people simply don’t need it. Lip tattoos have been known to last for up to five years on some people where as others fade in a year.
Results from lip blushing are vastly different for example:
– Someone with a pale lip will easily take up colour and you can have any shade of pigment you like.
– Others that have pigmented lips or very pink lips will need to go a few shades darker to see any difference in colour.
Does A Lip Tattoo Hurt?
With lip tattoos you can expect some discomfort but it really depends on your pain threshold. Topical anaesthetic can be applied at the beginning and throughout treatment to make any discomfort more manageable. Most people find treatment a lot better than they were expecting it to be.
Lip Blushing Aftercare
Aftercare is given after each appointment its imperative to follow the aftercare instructions. If these aren’t followed you can effect the results of your lip blush. You must:
- Drink through a straw
- Keep lips hydrated
- Avoid spicy foods
- Cut food into small pieces
Does lip blushing make your lips bigger?
Whilst lip blushing won’t actually change the shape or feeling of your lips, many people say that they have noticed an improvement in the fullness and shape of their lips after having the treatment.
Looking for fuller lips? Find out more about Natural Lip Fillers here.